Q: With natural gas prices fluctuating so much, can I afford not to buy a new High-Efficiency furnace?

A:  Staying informed on your gas distribution and supply rates is always good practice. Installing an energy-efficient furnace/home heating system is not only a good investment but good for your peace of mind. It allows you to insulate your home and family from much of the burden of this gas volatility by decreasing your energy usage, thereby lessening the effect of the increases. For more information on these fluctuations see:

Q: Can I afford to replace my existing Home Heating system with a high-efficiency furnace?

A: At South Hills Electric, Heating & Cooling, LLC we have many financing options available with approved credit.

With the growing cost of utilities, your savings will far outweigh the out of pocket expenses of replacing or upgrading your current system. Do not wait until the gas prices increase, because with utility increases the cost of materials rises as well.

Q: Would it be a good idea to get an Air Conditioning system at the same time?

A: If you are considering a high-efficiency furnace and have been considering adding an air conditioning unit as well, it would be beneficial to install both systems at once. The cost of installing both systems at once is cheaper than installing them separately. However, we can install an air conditioning system to any existing home heating system at an affordable price.

Q: What kind of maintenance should I be doing to my current or new system?

A: Simple things like changing your furnace filter often will keep dust and allergens to a minimum and help to keep your family healthy.  There are many types of filters, so read the manufacturers recommendations on how often to change them. Check your registers for excessive dust build-up and keep them clean and clear from anything restricting airflow.

Q. Do you have any more information that would be helpful for me?

A. Yes, see this article for a rundown of some of the energy benefits and potential savings associated with updating your heating and air conditioning equipment.